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Emotion Feminine from BioforceEmotions Feminine

A. Vogel's Emotions Feminine consists of 100% organic St. John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum)
One of the distinguishing features of Emotions Feminine is the use of the fresh flower heads instead of the whole plant. In this case, the concentration of the active ingredient, hypericin, with the other constituents of the flower head enhances its effectiveness as a mood enhancer and anti-depressant. It is very efficient in alleviating mood swings that accompany hormonal fluctuations.

St. John’s Wort has been used throughout the ages as a safe and reliable method of reducing feelings of melancholy, irritability, insomnia and moodiness. Scientific study confirms this plant’s efficacy. Furthermore, Emotions Feminine was specifically tested for its effectiveness, safety and addiction-free content.

Emotions Feminine 60 Tabs:
 Price $22.99

Generally speaking, St. John’s Wort should be used with caution if combined with prescription medications such as contraceptive pills or anti-depressants.

Emotions Feminine:

  • Promotes feeling of wellbeing

  • Diminishes feelings of anxiety and nervousness

  • Stabilizes mood fluctuations

Mood swings

Many of us have experienced days when everything is a burden, when we would prefer to be by ourselves, or when we find ourselves lashing out at others for no apparent reason. Why do we feel and act this way? Well! Our emotions and stress levels have a significant impact on our mood. If these negative emotions and stresses become chronic, we risk the danger of increasing the frequency and duration of our "depressed" state of mind and increase the severity of our mood swings.

There are a number of factors to consider when assessing the cause of our mood swings. These include:

  • Lifestyle stresses, such as lack of sleep, lack of exercise, excess demands on one’s time

  • Feelings of inadequacy, helplessness and boredom caused by the "superwoman syndrome". That is, the woman (erroneously) thinks that she has to be a perfect wife, a perfect mother, career-oriented, slim and possess a great disposition etc…

  • Nutritional deficiencies caused by eating too many refined and processed foods, excess sugar, excess salt, excess coffee and perhaps alcohol and cigarettes

  • Physiological stresses caused by illnesses, nutritional imbalances, indigestion and excess toxins in the body. Toxic body = toxic thoughts

  • Environmental stresses resulting from air pollution, excess noise, lack of sun, extreme weather fluctuations and electromagnetic waves

AND Hormonal imbalances especially those related to our monthly cycle, stress hormones and thyroid hormones.

Health, of body and mind, is a question of balance. If you can find a way to create harmony with the choices you make, it is inevitable that this will have a positive impact on your inner peace.

But where do you start?

  • Learn to prioritize the elements of your life, develop concrete strategies to achieve your objectives and start saying no to the things that have lesser or no value to YOU

  • Simplify your life and take time for yourself

  • Commit yourself to nourishing your body with a balanced diet of wholesome, natural foods  Emphasizing fruits to cleanse your body of toxins and vegetables to provide a source of carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals (healing/health promoting compounds) and fibre

  • Intellectually, we know that too much caffeine, too much salt and junk food is bad for you - Moderate or eliminate some of these products and get rid of the guilt and self-destructive feelings associated with them

  • Nourish your emotions by doing things for yourself that you enjoy (i.e. walking, reading, gardening, yoga or similar activities)

  • Supplement with vitamins, minerals and herbs to hasten improvement

  • Finally, enquire as to who and what may be of further assistance to you in regaining balance like your healthcare professional.

The statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not meant to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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