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Molkosan Whey from Bioforce

Oh Mani Padme Hum


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Molkosan®Whey Concentrate

Molkosan Whey - Bioforce

Molkosan 200 ml
Price $13.59


To improve digestion and normalize the stomach pH against flatulence and nutrient assimilation problems.
As supportive therapy for Type 2 diabetes, obesity, arthritis, etc. May be used diluted as a vaginal douche.
Promotes the maintenance and development (prebiotic) of a healthy intestinal flora.

To disinfect minor wounds, foot and nail mycosis, warts, darters (scurfs) and other skin irritations.
As an adjuvant treatment for chronic skin lesions: eczema, psoriasis and other dermatitis.
As a tonic and exfoliating skin lotion.


Each teaspoon (5 ml) contains:
Proteins 0.00 g
Lipids 0.00 g
Carbohydrates 0.15 g
D(-) lactic acid 0.14 g
L(+) lactic acid 0.29 g
Total minerals 50.00 mg
Potassium 10.00 mg
Calcium 6.50 mg
Phosphorus5.00 mg
Energy 2.75 Kcal (12 KJ)
Molkosan® is prepared from lactofermented whey from which proteins have been removed. Because of its high content in natural lactic acid, Molkosan® has an acid pH.
Concentrated lactofermented whey.


Adults: mix 1 tablespoon (15 ml) in a glass of water, juice or herb tea. If necessary, start with one teaspoon (5 ml) and increase gradually. Take 3 times daily, as needed.

(see Actions and Pharmacology bellow)

Historical overview

Whey was used as far back as Ancient Greece. Already at that time, it was prescribed to improve digestion, purify blood, protect against poisoning, prevent liver disorders, obesity and arthritis, and for skin problems.
Similar to spas, whey cure establishments flourished up until the 19th Century. Was this Cleopatra’s beauty secret?

Molkosan® is a unique A. Vogel product. It is a fresh whey concentrate prepared according to a special lactofermentation process: Molkosan® is derived from whey, the bluish liquid oozing from curdling milk when proteins agglomerate to make cheese. Lactic ferments, added to the whey, transform lactose into lactic acid. Once fermentation is completed, additional L(+) lactic acid is added and the remaining proteins are removed. This liquid is then vacuum concentrated and pasteurized.

Actions and pharmacology

Molkosan® is very rich in minerals (calcium, potassium, phosphorus, etc.) and has an acid pH. It contains lactic acid in its levogyral or physiologic form: L(+)-lactic acid. Lactic acid is a natural antiseptic and a keratolytic agent (it helps to remove dead skin and cells from the epidermis).

Molkosan® has several health beneficial effects:
Internally, it promotes the growth of good bacteria in the intestine, thus acting as a prebiotic and a normalizer of the intestinal function. It is therefore useful against flatulence, absorption disorders and constipation, and to restore the intestinal flora after an antibiotic treatment.
Molkosan® stimulates the stomach by restoring its natural acid pH. It is thus useful against both hypochlorhydria (low acidity) and hyperacidity, and for heartburn and gastritis.

Molkosan® normalizes the metabolism; it is used as an invaluable adjuvant for all kinds of metabolic disorders: cholesterol, insulin resistance, arthritis, rheumatism, etc.

Externally, Molkosan® is useful to cleanse small wounds and abrasions (diluted 1:4 in water), to relieve insect bites (undiluted), against athlete’s foot (soak a cotton swab and leave overnight), as a tonic and exfoliating lotion for the face and against eczema and other skin problems (on a wet cotton swab). Molkosan® can also be used as a rinsing solution for the hair and body (diluted 1:10 in water).

Scientific studies

No clinical study has been published on Molkosan® or whey extracts.

Precautions, contraindications and interactions

As Molkosan® does not contain proteins, it should not be allergenic. Molkosan® contains a very low proportion of lactose (5 mg per 100 ml) present in its natural form, neither isolated nor refined. For this reason, Molkosan® should not cause GI problems in people with lactose intolerance. However, people allergic to dairy products or with lactose intolerance should use Molkosan® with caution.

Therapeutic combinations

Helix Slim, Kelpasan

The statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not meant to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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