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Tibetan Symbols and Motifs

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Tibetan - Buddhist Products

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Buddhist Ritual Objects Handbook

A Short Description Of Gods and Goddesses and Ritual Objects of Buddhism and Hinduism in Nepal
Published by the Handicraft Association of Nepal Soft cover 78 pages, Black and White Illustrations
Price $10.95


The Encyclopedia of Tibetan Symbols and Motifs (Hardcover)

This is a great book, a customer brought it in to me to show what she wanted for a tattoo and I was amazed at all the rad stuff in it. Lots of cool stuffs for tattoos and whatnot- I did a big ol' snake headed deity on her arm, it was so killer looking- thanks to this book, I am going to sleeve out her whole arm now with images from this tome. That's how well the art translated into tattoo designs...A must for any tattooer (or regular artist) interested in this style or Japanese/ Asian motifs.
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A Handbook of Tibetan Buddhist Symbols (Paperback) The Handbook of Tibetan Buddhist Symbols is a portal into the rich, multifaceted, and profound symbolism of Tibetan sacred art. Robert Beer provides a deep and encompassing insight into the vast array of symbols and attributes that appear within the complex iconography of Tibetan Buddhism. The succinct descriptions that accompany his detailed line drawings reveal the origins, meanings, and functions of these symbols. Beer unravels the multiple layers of symbolism and meaning contained within the iconography, affording the reader a panoramic vision into the deeper dimensions of this sacred art.
Drawn largely from Beer’s monumental work The Encyclopedia of Tibetan Symbols and Motifs, the meticulous brush drawings in this book depict all of the major Buddhist symbols and motifs, including the various groups of auspicious symbols; cosmological symbols; natural and mythical animals, such as the dragon, garuda, and makara; the entire assembly of ritual tantric implements and weapons; magical and wrathful symbols; hand-held emblems, attributes, and plants; esoteric Vajrayana offerings; and mudras, or ritual hand gestures.
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Buddhist Symbols in Tibetan Culture : An Investigation of the Nine Best-Known Groups of Symbols (Paperback)

I'm not a practicing Tibetan Buddhist, but I've acquired a fair amount of knowledge through osmosis: I do volunteer work for a Tibetan refugee relief organization. One slow afternoon in our shop, I picked up this book to improve my knowledge of the iconography in the graphics we sell, and was blown away. Not only has the author written a clear, readable explication of the symbolism, but the book is also a terrific introduction to fundamental Tibetan Buddhist beliefs. The average Tibetan may not be able to elucidate the intricacies of the sacred texts, or practice the stylized form of debate that forms an important part of a monk's training. But the book gives great insight into what this average Tibetan actually believes. Now I feel I have a better understanding of how the Tibetans' Buddhism has sustained them through persecution, exile, and attempts by the Chinese government to stamp out their culture. (And the Fur-Bearing Fish isn't a refugee from a Dr. Seuss book, but a symbol with profound meaning.) This is a great little book, and I recommend it enthusiastically. Read more
Symbols of Tibetan Buddhism (Beliefs Symbols) (Hardcover) As a student of Buddhism I've come across some items in books or stores or just along the path that I don't know what they are - specifically in Tibetan Buddhism.

This is a great book for anyone interested in what some of the symbols of Tibetan Buddhism are, what they mean or represent and in some cases how they came to be.

The descriptions are easy to understand and the pictures are absolutely beautiful and captivating.

It's a short and enjoyable book - doesn't dive deeply into the items/symbols - it's a nice introduction and is informative and makes for nice reference material.
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